15 August 2013

Better Email - without surveilance

I spotted this idea called BitMessage. It's a completely new way to exchange email, and it completely defeats any attempts to intercept the messages.  By using a peer to peer network, without any mailservers, there is no-one that you need to trust, so systems like the US NSA and UK GCHQ PRISM surveillance programs shouldn't be able to collect information from it.

Bitmessages are not email, but they do something like the same thing, you need a special application program to use it, but there is no sign-up or registration, once you have the app installed you're good to go.

The app is currently available for Windows, OSX, and Linux, but as yet nothing for Android and i-whatever.

You can bitmessage to me at this address:


Memorable isn't it? :-)

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